Monday, April 7, 2008


I am a parent, not a Doctor, Physician, Nutritional Expert or anything else like that. With the massive growth in allergies, especially to things like nuts, we must all be extremely vigilant about what is going into our children. Add to that GM foods, antibiotics, pesticides... the list is long, as we all know, and getting longer yearly.

As I write, please be sure to CHECK THE INGREDIENTS on anything that I refer to and / or recommend with regard to what is safe and tolerable for you and your child. The last thing I want is for anyone to blindly follow a recipe using a particular brand of flour (for example), only to find out there are peanut traces in it that land their child in hospital. I will occasionally comment on particular things, and obviously make my own suggestions, but the responsibility ultimately lies with you as to what goes into your child, not with me! (This seems obvious to most people, but you would be amazed about some of the things people come up with...)

So, that being said, next time we will get into the what, where and how of Power Packed Pancakes For Kids!

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